Friday, April 26, 2013

Using Crystals, Minerals, and stones

While I use a lot of hands on healing practices,  I also use crystals, minerals, and stones in my treatments are and with my clients.
Below are a few examples:                               

Clear quartz single terminated crystals
I use clear quartz crystals to clean and  repair auras and to clean and repair chakras.  I  teach  others  how to channel healing energy and intention into the crystal which becomes a focused energy tool.

Black kyanite
Black kyanite cannot hold negativity. If you don't have salt water to clear your crystals,  face your  kyanite towards a window and place the base of your crystal towards the base of the kyanite.   The crystal will clear in  a minute or two.

Apache Tear                                                             
I have clients hold apache tears when they are going through some kind of transition, like leaving a relationship, career change, moving to a new location.

Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline is a great stone for removing old programming, false beliefs and assumptions. Putting a piece under a spouse's favorite chair may help to open him/her up to new ideas and clearing old patterns ;)

Chakra Stones
The following stones have been used as layouts for chakra healing. In Polarity therapy, clear crystals are used for clearing and energizing the chakras.

Red Jasper
A good stone for the root chakra to work on survival issues.

Orange Calcite
A good stone for the second chakra to work on relationship issues
A good stone to rest on the third chakra, when working with emotions related to the "will" center.

Heart Stones (Rose Quartz, Pink Rhodochrosite Sodalite,
Rose Quartz is the classic stone in chakra layouts and work on issues of self love and giving and receiving love.

Throat Stones (Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite)
Aquarmarine is the classic and low cost stone for the throat and working on speaking your truth. 
While Lapis is good for opening the third eye, it is also good for relieving anger, easing the frustration that is causing the anger. If you want to accelerate your psychic abilities Lapis is a good choice. 
While Sodalite will also work as a fifth chakra layout, it is a stone of understanding truth and walking your talk. It's also a good stone for awakening latent talents and creativity.
Third Eye Stones
Amythest is a good stone for third eye clearing and improving your intuition and inner vision. It is a stone that is associated with the Ascended master St. Germaine, because it embodies the crystal's violet flame. Another stone of spiritual healing and spiritual growth.

Crown Chakra Stones
Clear quartz is a good stone for the crown chakra, but it is also general workhorse for any chakra. 

This is just a taste of the energtic world of stones, crystals and minerals.

So what stones do you use in your practice?

What issues or aspirations would you like to work on?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What does it take to become a Master Healer?

I've been a healing channel for decades. Facilitating healing for another and teaching healing arts and bodywork are my passions.

Many folks consider me a powerful healing channel, a Reiki Master. I call myself a "work in progress". Now being in a state of joy, love and happiness is nice to have, but giving and sending unconditional love to your client is paramount to me. And the most important part of mastering the healing channel is the detachment from one's own inner storyteller (ego) and a detachment from the outcome. If the Ego of the healer is allowed to chatter, then it will shut down the healing channel. Also, in becoming powerful channels, the third leg of the stool, so to speak,  is intention. A shaman's intention on helping members of his/her tribe is 'do or die'.

As a master, I believe it is important to do your own inner work and inner healing, so that you can become a clear channel for others. If you still have judgments, fears, or other emotional baggage, then when you open a channel for healing, the channel will be healing you first and your client gets what is leftover. 
Also I know the Usui Reiki school in Japan does regular re-attunements of their students at all levels of mastery and daily meditations geared towards this inner work. Unless you are the reincarnation of Buddha we all have more inner work to do. With my own students, I also offer meditations and journey work to move into more subtle inner work. And I have my teachers, readings, and meditations to continually work on my own inner stuff.

Most of the real Masters I know are kind, humble, empathic, intuitive and have done a lot of inner work to get to where they are today. And all of them consider themselves "works in progress". Why, because they know the inner work we all need to do is rarely ever completed in a single physical lifetime.

So what do you think it takes to become a Master Healer?